Digital clinical photography: another step towards the future
I want to use this opportunity to share with my medical colleagues “ShareSmart”, a digital clinical photography App that aims to facilitate communication and patient care among Canadian health care professionals. This App was devised by one of my mentors, Dr. Justin Yeung – a board certified plastic surgeon with both clinical and academic appointments in Calgary, and his team, and supported by partnerships with leading healthcare institutions across Canada. In this article, Dr. Yeung discusses the importance of clinical photography and patient care.
Clinical photography is an essential tool for documentation of patient care. In the Fall 2014, one of Calgary’s burn nurses, Paige Dionisio, described the successful implementation of digital wound photography to the patient’s’ multidisciplinary care plan. Since then, a study led by Pediatric Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Frankie Fraulin, has confirmed that Canadian Plastic Surgeons are using digital photography in their practice (view study abstract). Over 89% of those surveyed have taken photographs of patients using their smartphones. It is indisputable that current smartphone cameras are advanced enough to take high quality clinical photos and have the messaging capabilities to allow for efficient transfer of files and texts. However, the current technology in the market does not specifically address issues of storage, privacy and confidentiality which is important to us all.
ShareSmart is a Canadian smartphone application designed specifically to address this issue for healthcare professionals. Several Canadian doctors, nurses, and lawyers have come together to develop an innovative solution to make medical photography an efficient and safe means to enhance patient care. ShareSmart leads the world in IT security utilizing multiple layers of encryption and protection and its data is stored within Canadian borders.
Currently ShareSmart is looking for interested parties to beta test the product. The team is welcoming feedback and suggestions and is dedicated to tailoring the product to the unique needs of Canada’s health care professionals.
Email Justin.Yeung2@albertahealthservices.ca if you have any questions about the initiative or to sign up as a beta tester.