Pharmacy - MDconsultants


Charting New Territory: Diverse Career Opportunities for PharmD

It has often been thought that upon graduation, Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) graduates have been limited to 2 traditional routes: Community and Hospital. However, in the past 5 years, career opportunities have diversified and PharmD graduates now have a choice in where and how they work. Let’s examine the different opportunities that PharmD can present: […]

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Finding Summer Research for Pre-Medical Students Banner

Finding Summer Research for Pre-Medical Students

It’s always hard to find summer research. It’s hard for you; it’s hard for everyone. In this blog, I’ll talk about the when’s and how’s of landing your (first) summer research. When should I start doing summer research? Sorry, but there’s no definitive answer to this one. My opinion is as early as possible; in […]

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What to Expect Following Medical School Interviews and Mentally Preparing for Admissions Results Part 2

Catch up on points #1-4 in Part 1! #5 Stay Off Online Forums (If You Can) During this time where you have no sense of security or control, it is easy to look for more information. You can spend endless days calculating probability, searching the darkest corners of the internet for information about other candidates […]

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What to Expect Following Medical School Interviews and Mentally Preparing for Admissions Results Part 1

We spend so much of our time thinking about the events leading up to interviews or envisioning acceptance day, we often forget about the time we spend waiting. This is an agonizing part of the medical journey that is often unappreciated. You try to navigate being hopeful, but also not hoping “too much” to protect […]

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Tips on approaching a sample MMI Question Banner

Tips on Approaching a Sample Multi Mini Interview (MMI) Question

Here you will find a quick but efficient summary of a method in which I would approach a sample Multi Mini Interview (MMI) question: Sample MMI Question 1: There is a man that has been responsible for taking care of his wife that has been in a vegetative state for the last year following a […]

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Preparing for Your Upcoming Medical School Interviews – Know Your Interview Format and Tailor Your Approach Part 2

Make sure to catch up on Preparing for Your Upcoming Medical School Interviews – Know Your Interview Format and Tailor Your Approach Part 1 Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)  The MMI is a commonly used interview format by medical schools. The hallmark of the MMI format is having  several stations (6-12), each with its own prompt […]

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Preparing for Your Upcoming Medical School Interviews – Know Your Interview Format and Tailor Your Approach Part 1

Congratulations, you have received an interview invite to medical school! This is both an exciting yet stressful time. The aim of this blog is to first provide general advice regarding how to prepare for any interview format, then  introduce you to the different formats of medical school interviews and know how to tailor your approach […]

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Navigating the Medical School Interview Process: A Comprehensive Guide to External Resources

A career in healthcare demands not only a robust clinical and academic focus but also having a nuanced understanding of the changing healthcare, social, and ethical landscapes. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of health systems and challenges, preparing for medical school interviews, or form more nuanced opinions on controversial topics, finding the […]

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Key Pointers for Applying to CaRMS

START EARLY Applying to CaRMS can be a daunting process, however starting early can help you stay ahead of the curve and feel less overwhelmed. Key considerations to reflect upon include: How certain am I in my decision to apply to this specialty? Every specialty has its strengths and challenges, and it is crucial to […]

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CASPer Preparation: A Complete Guide

CASPer is a relatively new, yet crucial component of Canadian medical school admission. Recently, it has also become part of the application requirements for several residency programs. Hence, for both premeds and medical students, it’s important to understand this test and know how to prepare for it. It’s essentially a computer test that is run […]

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Tips for a Successful Medical School Application

Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone towards your medical journey! Before delving into valuable tips for your medical school applications, take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous effort you’ve dedicated thus far. As a premed student, we often overlook the arduous path that led us here, overshadowed by the stress of the application […]

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