Pre-Med Consulting Testimonial Reviews | MD Consultants Pre-Med



Application Review

Assistance with Canadian, US and International medical school essays, statements, and autobiographical sketches.  Learn what universities are looking for in applicants from our experienced medical student consultants.

Interview Preparation

Develop your traditional interview and MMI skills by practicing one on one or in small groups with our consultants and receive tips on how to gain admission into medical school at your top university choices.

Medical School Admissions Program

Get assistance during your pre-medical studies until medical school acceptance from a team of trained medical student consultants in this pre med program.  Ideal for high school and undergraduate university students.

CASPer Prep

Our senior physician created modules to simulate the CASPer exam with video and text based scenarios for pre med students.  Each CASPer prep exam includes a one on one consultation to discuss your results.

We specialize in


From application planning to mock interviews, our consultants can provide assistance through our pre med programs that will make admission a reality.

Allied health professions

Connect with dental, pharmacy, and other consultants to gain admission to allied healthcare programs in Canada and the US.

International students

Learn from medical consultants who completed high school outside North America on how you can complete medical school and practice medicine in Canada and the US.

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