Pre Med Advice Blog | MD Consultants Pre-Med - Page 12


Caribbean Medical School Q&A Part 2 Banner

Caribbean Medical School Q&A – Part 2

Internal Medicine Resident, Anderson Lai, is answering questions to help students better understand the Caribbean and international medical school experience and how to improve your chances for residency matching. Here is Part 2 of his interview, make sure to check out Part 1 first! Q3. Do you think Caribbean medical school prepared you well for […]

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How to answer ‘conflict resolution’ medical school interview questions?

During interview season, we get plenty of inquiries regarding how to answer tough interview questions. One of the most common questions we get is on the topic of “conflict resolution”. Well, I would like to inform you that this is an extremely common question and you must prepare for it. However, I want to assure […]

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caribbean Medical School Q&A : Part 1 Banner

Caribbean Medical School Q&A – Part 1

Internal Medicine Resident, Anderson Lai, is answering questions to help students better understand the Caribbean and international medical school experience and how to improve your chances for residency matching. Q1. What’s the most challenging aspect about studying in a Caribbean medical school? A: The biggest challenge in my opinion would be staying focused. There are […]

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preparing for medical school interviews banner

Preparing for Medical School interviews: Just Another Date, Literally!

First of all, congratulations on getting a medical school interview! This, on its own, is a huge accomplishment and you should be extremely proud. Whomever is reading this, your journey will be very different from mine, and very different from others applying. Use that to your advantage! Your personality and road to medicine is something […]

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McMaster health sciences program Q&A Banner

McMaster Health Sciences Undergraduate Program – Facebook Live Q&A

McMaster medical student and McMaster Health Sciences graduate, Rasika Singh, answered questions regarding the undergraduate health sciences program, the application process, and how to stand out as an applicant for aspiring pre-medical students! The following questions were answered during the Live video Question and Answer taping: Can you provide some advise on how to make […]

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Six Tips for the multi mini interview banner

6 Tips for the Multi Mini Interview (MMI)

After a rigorous application process, interview invites for medical schools across both Canada and the U.S. are trickling out. While it is a huge accomplishment in and of itself to receive an interview, preparation—and the interview itself—is the final hurdle and, as most of us that have gone through it know, can be the most […]

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OzTREKK Event Banner

OzTREKK Educational Medical Event

We visited and participated in the OzTREKK Educational event on January 27th 2019 at the Hilton Toronto. Our IMG consultant Juliana and operations manager Sonia answered questions and spoke with parents and students regarding how MD Consultants can assist them with their international medical studies. Attendees learned about their options after completing medical school overseas, […]

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Top 10 Tips for a Successful McMaster Health Science Application

Top 10 tips for a successful McMaster Health Science Application

Introduction With thousands of applications every year for 160 spots, the McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Program (BHSc) is probably the most competitive undergraduate program in Canada. This undergraduate program is focused on the topics of health, illness and wellness, and is unique in providing an education with a focus on self-directed, team-based and problem-based […]

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CaRMS Tips & Words of Wisdom

CaRMS Tips & Words of Wisdom

By now, you are probably prepping vigilantly for CaRMS interviews, maybe boarding a plane for interviews, and desperately hoping that your flight won’t be cancelled. I can definitely relate to all of this, as travelling in Canada (especially Eastern Canada where I come from) is challenging in the winter at the best of times. You […]

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Interview Tips from a medical student

Preparing for Medical School Interviews: 5 Helpful Tips for Medical School Applicants

You feel your heart quicken and a cold sweat rush through your body as you glance at the heading of the email pop-up on your smart device. “University of ____ MD Program Interview Invitation…..”. A wave of emotions and thoughts race through your mind – do I tell my mom or my dad first? Did […]

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