Free Interview Preparation Sessions for Applicants Affected by the Trump Ban
With immediate effect, MD Consultants will offer interview preparation assistance to medical school or residency applicants whose interviews in the US are affected by the #TrumpBan.
This offer will remain in effect for the duration of the 90 day ban, or until further notice as we wait for the ban to be lifted. To qualify, you must be able to demonstrate that you are directly affected by the ban over the next 90 days. Our intent is to assist pre-medical and medical students from the 7 affected countries who have in person interviews in the US that they are now unable to attend.
We realize that interviews are anxiety provoking enough and that this ban only adds to your stress. Our 1:1 interview sessions will pair you with a current medical student or resident physician consultant and can be done over Skype or Facebook. We hope these sessions will keep your interview skills sharp while you await to enter the US.
For more details, email info@mdconsultants.ca today.