Selecting an Undergraduate Program and Courses for Premeds – Facebook Live Q&A

Western University medical student Jamila answered all of your questions regarding selecting the right program and courses during your undergraduate degree as a pre-medical student! The following questions were answered during the taping:

  1. What top advice can you give to incoming undergraduate students?
  2. How do you know if you are choosing the right program as a premed? 
  3. Is it important to keep a full course load at all times during undergrad?
  4. Does it help to do an undergraduate degree at a school associated with a medical school?
  5. What courses do I need to take as a premed? 
  6. What is the impact of switching or repeating a course?
  7. What are some of the best courses to take? 
  8. What are the best activities to get involved in during undergrad?
  9. General tips on things you wish you had known during undergrad?
  10. Last piece of advice for undergraduate students hoping to get into medical school in the near future?
  11. How important is your GPA?

MDconsultants and our team of medical student and Resident consultants can help you make sense of the various pre-med programs and courses available to undergraduate students. Your assigned consultant can help you choose the right one based on your desired medical school. Book Your Appointment today!

Thanks for watching!

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