Pre-med Tips - MDconsultants - Page 11

Pre-med Tips

5 Tips for Pre-Med Students on Applications to Medical School

5 Tips for Pre-Med Students on Applications to Medical School

Upon reflecting on my medical school journey I would like to share the following five tips with you. I hope that the following tidbits help you in your journey in becoming a physician.  1. Be Authentic – Short Essays As a medical school applicant, remember to always be authentic. The short essays component of your […]

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Pharmacy school spotlight : Ferris state university banner

Pharmacy School Spotlight: Ferris State University

What is a typical week for a Ferris pharmacy student? Ferris State University is a unique pharmacy program that has a split campus. The first two years of classes are held in Big Rapids, Michigan. The curriculum covered in the first two years is mostly science based including biochemistry and drug action or medicinal chemistry. […]

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Getting to dental school Whats the first year like banner

Getting to Dental School: What’s First Year Like?

You’ve put countless hours into studying to maintain that incredible GPA. You’ve packed your CV with relatable experiences in the medical, dental, and other healthcare fields. You’re well-rounded and you were able to interview amazingly. Finally, you’re here! With the help of your friends, family, and other support, you’re finally joining the ranks of other […]

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Tips for applying to US medical schools with AMCAS Banner

Applying to US Medical Schools with AMCAS

The US MD cycle starts a lot earlier and is rolling compared to Canadian schools! Pre-interview, applicants must complete a Primary Application and a Secondary/Secondaries. May 1st is when the AMCAS Application Portal opens. This means you can start filling out your Primary App – Personal Statement, Work/Activities, School Choices, Ordering Transcripts, MCAT Score Entering, […]

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Medical school Spotlight : The university of British Columbia

Medical School Spotlight: The University of British Columbia (UBC)

What is a typical week for a University of British Columbia (UBC) medical student?  The schedule varies by year. In first year, we had case-based learning from 8am-10am every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday followed by lectures and anatomy/histology labs until the afternoon (4-5pm). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have morning off for “study time” or […]

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The research problem banner

The Research Problem for Medical Students

Clinical and laboratory research sits at a unique interface for the young professional. It allows for the advancement of knowledge and understanding with the hopes of benefiting people and populations for years to come. Depending on how you cultivate your research, it can allow you to “leave your mark on the world” for the good […]

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Making the transition to Medical School at the University of Toronto

Making the Transition From Undergrad to Medical School at the University of Toronto

Transitioning into medical school may seem daunting at first glance. What is medical school really like? Will I survive the rigor of a medical curriculum? Will I have time for life outside of medicine? To successfully transition into medical school, one must adapt — in more ways than one. That means forgoing old habits, and […]

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It's never too early to start : preparing for medical school banner

Thinking about Med School? It’s Never Too Early to Start Preparing Your CV and ABS

While you’ll often hear advice about having a high GPA or MCAT, the CV component of your application to medical school should not be understated. It gives the medical school insight into who you are, what you do and what skills you may possess. Some schools disclose what percentage of the decision for invitation to […]

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Tips for the Mcat banner

Top 5 Tips for Navigating the MCAT

It’s that time of year again! Students are finishing up exams, the weather is getting warmer, and a bunch of you are…getting ready to write the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). I know it can feel like an intimidating task and sometimes you don’t know how or where to get started. So, I’ve listed out […]

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Picking an Undergrad program for aspiring pre-med students

Tips on Picking an undergraduate Program for Pre-med Students

Graduating high school is in and of itself exciting and nerve-wracking; it marks the end of a chapter and the start of a new one. Often times, choosing an undergraduate program can compound to this stress, as it, in many ways, dictates the route you’ll take with regards to your career plans. When I was […]

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