Saif Dababneh - MDconsultants
Saif Dababneh

Saif Dababneh

University of British Columbia

Saif is an MD/PhD student at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Prior to joining UBC, Saif completed an Honours BSc in Translational & Molecular Medicine (TMM) at the University of Ottawa. During his undergraduate studies, Saif undertook several research projects investigating the embryonic development and function of the heart’s muscle and electrical conduction system at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Saif is currently pursuing a clinician-scientist path at UBC with the objective of uncovering the pathophysiology and genetic determinants of sudden cardiac death. Saif hopes this research can accelerate the development of screening tools, diagnostics, and personalized treatments for patients with electrical heart abnormalities. Consistent with his research goals, Saif has also been involved in advocacy work with the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada and fundraising with Heart 4 Heart.

Saif has been largely involved in mentorship and outreach initiatives for high school and pre-medical students. Through these initiatives, Saif has reached over 250 students and mentored over 25 premedical students 1-on-1. With his guidance, several mentees were successful in interviewing and being accepted into several schools including UBC, UofT, McGill, Ottawa, and Queens.

Outside of academics, Saif enjoys photography, soccer, and spending time with family and friends.

Areas of Expertise

  • Career coaching
  • Education
  • Medical writing
  • Research and development


  • MD/PhD, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
  • BSc, Translational & Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa

  • MD/PhD Student, University of British Columbia
  • Graduate Student, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute

  • Canada Graduate Scholarships – Masters Awards (CGS-M), Canadian Institute of Health Research ($17,500 CAD)
  • Friedman MD/PhD Studentship, University of British Columbia
  • Alex Trebek Leadership Award ($10,000 CAD), University of Ottawa
  • University Gold Medal – Honours BSc in Translational and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa

  • Kim KH, Oh Y, Liu J, Dababneh S, et al. Irx5 and transient outward K+ currents contribute to transmural contractile heterogeneities in the mouse ventricle. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, May 1, 2022. PMID: 35245131.
  • Dababneh S*, Oh Y*, et al. IRX5 is the major regulator of ventricular transmural heterogeneity in the healthy and diseased heart [Abstract]. In: XLI Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, North American Section, Sep 6-9, 2022.
  • Dababneh S, Oh Y, Kim R, Lynn M, Kim KH. Delineating the function of the Iroquois Homeobox transcription factor Irx1 in the atrioventricular conduction system. 2021 Ottawa Cardiovascular Research Day, Ottawa, ON. May 10, 2021. (Dr. Yves Marcel Award for the Best Basic Science Oral Presentation, $250 CAD)


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