Free Open Access to Medical Education
Third year of medicine at UofT has finally come to a close. It has been a marathon of sorts, with having to embrace new rotations, preceptors and patients every few weeks. This truly was the main challenge of clinical clerkship – we were expected to review new material on a daily basis and read up on cases, in order to stay up-to-date with the various pathologies we encountered in clinic, on the wards and in the operating room.
I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce medskl.com – an exciting new, free open access to medical education (FOAMEd) initiative, which caters to this very aspect of clinical medicine. Medskl.com contains video animations, lectures and concise summaries on a plethora of topics all authored by award-winning faculties from around the world. There are over 170 doctors currently involved with medskl.com. There are about 90 live modules on the site, and Dr. Sanjay Sharma – editor-in-chief of medskl.com – hopes to develop over 100 more by mid-2017.
I have spent quite a bit of time on medskl.com and I think it will allow students, and even doctors, to efficiently review basic concepts on courses including Primary Care, Medical Ethics, Internal Medicine, Surgery and more.
As I transition into my fourth and final year of medical school, I look forward to continuing to use and assess medskl.com. I think it will work as a one-stop-shop for clinically relevant information, whether it is for managing a patient’s health problem or passing all my licensing exams.
This is a very interesting initiative on a scale that surpasses the typical FOAMEd site. You can learn more about Medskl on their website: http://www.medskl.com/ or Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/medsklcom-245605532484225/