Pre-med Tips - MDconsultants - Page 9

Pre-med Tips

Tips for the Mcat banner

How to Study for the MCAT

 When should I take the MCAT? How long should I study for the MCAT? How do I study for the MCAT? What courses should I take to prepare for the MCAT? How do I stay motivated to study for the MCAT? While preparing for the MCAT, I relied on blog posts like this to plan how to […]

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Online Medical School Interviews During COVID-19: Tips & Advice

We have all felt the impact of COVID-19 over the last few weeks with last minute changes to countless in-person events and gatherings cancelled or changed to online versions. Pre-medical students who had medical school interviews lined up for March of 2020 certainly felt that change. In our latest video blog, our consultant Ariel, discusses […]

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Digitally Integrating Care for Better Patient Outcomes

Digitally Integrating Care for Better Patient Outcomes

Canadians are experiencing a massive acute care bed shortage, consistently ranking near the bottom of beds per capita, pressuring hospitals to discharge patients quickly. While there are benefits to community-based care over acute care, the infrastructure must exist to accommodate this safely and effectively. Outdated healthcare IT infrastructure makes coordinating care difficult, particularly during transitions […]

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Interviewing Well for Medical School: What is non-verbal communication and how can it help you?

You nervously walk into your interview room, unsteadily close the door, and sit down in front of your interviewer, excited to start. In those 5 seconds, from door to chair, you’ve made an impression on everyone in that room before you’ve said a single word. How you conduct yourself is just as important as what […]

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Approaching Situational-Behavioral/Acting MMI Questions in a Medical School Interview

Throughout many years since its introduction as an objective measure for interviews, the MMI has evolved to incorporate and screen for a candidate’s qualities. The keen interviewee often hears whispers or watches videos about uniquely or challenging MMI stations, such as the publicly available example from Calgary in which an applicant must build a structure […]

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Canadian Medical School Interviews Banner

Canadian Medical School Interviews: Let’s Get Personal

When I was preparing for my medical school interviews, the questions that I struggled with most were the personal questions. I felt like there was an endless repertoire of things I could be asked. Tell me about your biggest regret. Tell me about a time where you showed empathy to someone in your life. What […]

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Facebook Q&A live with MDConsultants

Medical School Interviews in Canada – Facebook Live Q&A

Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary medical student, Morgan, answered questions regarding the medical school interview process in Canada and speaks about her own experience! The following questions were answered during the Live video Question and Answer taping: What advice can you give about preparing for medical school interviews? Top advice?  What […]

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Should Pharmacists be allowed to prescribe medication banner

Should Pharmacists be Allowed to Prescribe Medications?

“NO”Raghu Venugopal and Sameer Masood – Toronto emergency room doctors In medicine we learn that “hoofbeats” are not always horses and sometimes they are “zebras.” Physicians consider not just the most common cause of a patient concern, but also the most serious illness possible. We develop a list of probable diagnoses based on the patient’s […]

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Medical School Spotlight : University of Calgary

Medical School Spotlight: University of Calgary

What is a typical week for a University of Calgary medical student? The schedule varies from day to day, but typically first year students are in class from 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, with an hour for lunch from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Included in the class schedule are one to two independent study blocks […]

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A Unique Perspective on Cars and Residency Interviews Banner

A Unique Perspective on CaRMS and Residency Interviews

First of all, congratulations on making it this far!  It must have felt like yesterday when prepping for medical school admission interviews right? Well, since you survived that, you can truly survive this. I want to reassure you that it is normal to have that anxious feeling you are feeling right now.  After all, you […]

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