Med School Admissions - MDconsultants - Page 5

Med School Admissions

4 tips for applying to medical school as a third year applicant

4 Tips for Applying to Medical School as a Third Year Applicant

Applying to medical school as a third year applicant can be an intimidating task. It can be challenging to keep on top of deadlines, potentially plan ahead with knowing your MCAT score and digest the requirements of the different medical medical schools.  Tip #1: Get organized – make a list of schools that take third […]

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How to ask to shadow a doctor (With step by step guide) banner

How to Ask to Shadow a Doctor (with Step-by-Step Guide)

So you want to be a medical student, eh? Well before writing the MCAT and committing to months of studying, it would probably be best if you knew what you were getting into. To date, the most effective way to do this is to shadow a doctor and obtain firsthand exposure to what the day […]

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Facebook live QnA with MDconsultants Banner

Selecting an Undergraduate Program and Courses for Premeds – Facebook Live Q&A

Western University medical student Jamila answered all of your questions regarding selecting the right program and courses during your undergraduate degree as a pre-medical student! The following questions were answered during the taping: What top advice can you give to incoming undergraduate students? How do you know if you are choosing the right program as […]

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Top 5 Tips for Formatting your Resume/CV

Top 5 Tips for Formatting your Medical Resume/CV

Considering applying to medical school or starting to prepare for residency applications? A solid resume/CV can be integral to your success. But even before then, having a professional and well-formatted resume/CV can assist you in gaining the essential volunteer or work-related experience that you need to help strengthen that very same application. Although only one […]

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5 Tips to Acting your Virtual Residency Interview

5 Tips to Acing your Virtual Residency Interview

With the decision to continue with virtual interviews into the 2022 Resident (R-1) Match, and the possibility of this format persisting, knowing how best to approach your virtual residency interview is crucial.  Much of the pre-interview preparation is identical to preparing for an in-person interview; however, there are a few important differences and points to […]

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Rapid Clinic in Collaboration with and

Announcement: Rapid Clinic & MDconsultants

MDconsultants has partnered with physicians from Rapid Clinic to provide virtual specialist appointments. Wait time is usually within 1-2 weeks. Virtual appointments are covered by OHIP/UHIP (except for traveller PCR/antigen tests). For more information, please visit

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How to Prepare Research for Medical School Admissions

How to Prepare Research for Medical School Admissions

Preparing for your medical school admissions is daunting. There are the academic components and the nights wondering whether your transcript is good enough for this year’s cycle. Then there are things like the MCAT and standardized testing scores. Perhaps most nebulous of all are the NAQs. Or the non-academic components of admission.  What are they […]

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Zoom University for Medical Students : UBC

Zoom University for Medical Students: University of British Columbia Edition

Written by a first year medical student at UBC: Here is a breakdown of what the general schedule of first year is like and what zoom school has been like this past year during the pandemic.  We have 3 case-based learning sessions from 8-10am every week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. These are done in […]

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5 Tips for Surviving Virtual Learning for Pre-Medical and Medical Students - Small Banner

5 Tips for Surviving Virtual Learning for Pre-Medical and Medical Students

Maybe you are moving into exams or are looking to reset as you start your summer, either way we all know, virtual learning can take its toll!  Here are some simple tips to help you remain motivated and achieve your academic goals! Love Your Space. When you are spending all day, every day at home, […]

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5 Tips on How to Practice for critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) For the MCAT

5 Tips on How to Practice for Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) for the MCAT

CARS is one of the sections of the MCAT that is often dreaded by pre-med students. The large, and seemingly random, scope of topics combined with a significant time crunch make tackling the section one of the more challenging tasks for MCAT-takers. Fortunately, CARS is something that anyone can improve on with practice and a […]

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