CaRMS Matching All Time Low
The first round of CaRMS 2018 residency matching for Canadian medical students have left many spots without a student to fill. There are currently a total of 228 spots available across multiple disciplines and universities. The rate of unmatched students have continued to increase over the past few years based on the CaRMS R-1 Match Trends. The second round of residency matching will occur on April 11th 12:00pm EST for all unmatched students. Students who do not successfully match to one of the open positions found on the CaRMS website will not be matched until the next matching cycle in March 2019.
For all open residency positions see: https://www.carms.ca/en/news/unfilled-positions-first-iteration-2018-r-1-match/
This week is the American residency matching week – medical students will know their final residency match this Friday March 16th. For additional information on the American medical school residency matching process, check out the AAMC website: https://students-residents.aamc.org/applying-residency/apply-smart-residency/